Osakunnan viikko 46 / Nations week 46
- 14. marraskuuta 2022
Kivaa viikkoa!
Afrin Sarasvirta
Satakuntalaisen Osakunnan tiedotussihteeri 2022
Satakuntalainen Osakunta
Lapinrinne 1 A 8, 00180 Helsinki
Verkkosivut Facebook Instagram Twitter
P.S. Kannattaa ottaa myös seurantaa @aito.karhu
Another week has started again and this week we will have plenty to do. Weekly sport activities are held as usual. Monday run will be 10 km to Seurasaari and back. Run will start from the crossing of Malminkatu and Lapinrinne. After the run there will be some snacks and sauna available at Tavastia Nation. On Wednesday we will have nations evening, come join us. Thursday get-together will be held as usual. If the weather is bad the sport activities on Tuesday and Sunday will be held indoors. On Friday there will be a party in Viisi, starting 7pm. We also have plenty of excursion coming up, you can join by registering with the following links: https://<wbr></wbr>satakuntalainenosakunta.fi/fi/<wbr></wbr>ilmo/synagoga22/ (Synagoga visit) and https://satakuntalainenosakunta.fi/fi/ilmo/aerial22/ (Aerial yoga). Information about visiting the cat cafe will come soon. On Monday there will be seminar presentation in Viisi. And two other seminars will be held later this year. In the seminars people will be presenting something related to their field of studies.
Marathon month is going on and you can join by writing your name on the list that can be found in Viisi or by using the following link, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11GcF40fGL5fPL8OlIp4oe9BETTz4O9lz/edit#gid=1779496016.
-18.00 Seminar presentation in Viisi
-19.15 Monday run 5km, start from Satakuntatalo
-15.00 Excusrion to Synagoga
-20.15 core workout in Lastenlehto park
-18.00-18.30 membership secratary available at the office
-18-18:30 the people running the housing are available at the office
-19.15 Nation's evening in Viisi
-19.15 Thursday get-together: wine, tea, good company and interesting discussions, location C6
-19.00 a party in Viisi
-nothing, take it easy
-19.15 circuit training in Lastenlehto park
Upcoming events:
If you have any questions about the events please don't hesitate ask. I am more than happy to explain and tell more :) You can for instance send an email or a text on Telegram.
Have a nice week!
Afrin Sarasvirta
Satakuntalainen Osakunta
Lapinrinne 1 A 8, 00180 Helsinki
Website Facebook Instagram Twitter